Tips to Keep Your Natuzzi Leather Furniture Clean and Safe

Natuzzi Leather Furniture Cleaning

Natuzzi Leather Furniture Cleaning is very expensive and that’s why its longevity is the prime concern of the owners. There are two types of Natuzzi leather:

  1. Natural (Unprotected)
  2. Protecta (Protected)

Leather cleaning itself is very tough and Natuzzi leather furniture needs to be cleaned very carefully. Fret not. I will share a guide for both, Natural and Protecta Natuzzi leather furniture cleaning:

Natural Natuzzi Leather Furniture Cleaning Guide:

  • Attach brush accessory to the vacuum cleaner and gently clean firm debris from the surface.

Clean Stains Made Of Water Based Solutions:

If you have spilled sugary drinks such as coffee, tea, soda, or any similar drink, then use the following steps after vacuuming:

  •  If you have stains on the couch, then take a clean cloth damped into the water and rub the area outward to inward and then in the opposite direction.
  • Let it dry naturally. Do not use hot air as it will damage the leather.

Clean Oil Stains:

If there are stains of oil substances such as chocolate, motor-oil, food oil, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc., follow the below-mentioned guide of leather cleaning for the Natuzzi couch after vacuuming:

  • Wipe oily substance as much as you can with a paper towel. Do not rub hard, just wipe gently.
  • Take PH 6.5 or PH 7.5 diluted soap and soak a cloth in it.
  • Gently rub the stains with this soaked cloth from outward to inward and then in the opposite direction.


How To Clean Leather Furniture Effectively With Murphy Oil Soap?

Protecta Natuzzi Leather Furniture Cleaning Guide:

This guide of leather cleaning can be used for any kind of liquid spill, including, watery and oily substances:

  • Wipe off the liquid with a paper towel as soon as it got spilled.
  • Add a few drops of soap in some water and whisk it to create a foamy solution.
  • Take a clean cloth and damp it in this cleaning solution.
  • For Natuzzi leather furniture cleaning, start rubbing the couch with this damped cloth from outward to inward and then in the opposite direction. Be mild and not too hard on the leather. Repeat the process until the stains get removed.
  • Now, take a dry cloth and blot the wet part of the furniture that is cleaned with the damped cloth to remove excess wetness at the possible extent.
  • Let it dry completely in a natural way. Do not use a hair-dryer or similar equipment because hot air can damage the Natuzzi leather.

Care Instructions:

To keep your furniture safe and to make Natuzzi leather furniture cleaning process easier, follow the below mentioned steps of care:

  • Do not place furniture under direct sunlight.
  • Do not place furniture near heat sources. There should be a minimum of 50 cm of distance.
  • Do not use chemical-based leather cleaning solutions to clean it.

Dust it weekly as part of routine Natuzzi leather furniture cleaning.

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